Military spending is set close to 0% because I don't really need to pay any soldiers yet. Education and Aministration is set to max, so are tarrifs. Taxes are set to 100% for poor, middle/rich is low because there aren't enough pops to provide any significant amount of money. Right from the start, I start researching romanticism as anyone who wants to become great power as soon as possible.
There are only about 30 screenshots, so it won't be long, but I'll try to remember and comment stuff that happened in the meantime, hopefully providing some insight for everyone who wants to see/play/learn etc about the expansion. So, I have few screens from my playthrough as Krakow and since there doesn't seem to be any recent Vicky 2 LP (not even mentioning LP of AHD) and most people play rather CK2 anyway, might as well post it here.